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Moneyx app

MoneyX App:

Our app brings you up-to-date money exchange rates, which suit everyday travelers or someone who wants to see exchange rates.

Tech Stack for MoneyX App :

Mobile Apps | iOS & Android:

  • Framework: Flutter v3.0 (Android + iOS)
  • IDE: Visual Studio + Android Studio + Xcode
  • Language: Dart v2.17, Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iOS)
  • Git management: Gitlab
  • Project Management: Trello
  • Design & Prototyping: Figma


  • Platform:

– REST API from ExchangeGate.

– Currency data delivered are sourced from financial data providers and banks, including the European Central Bank.

Technical Details:

– Fetch data from rest API and render based on user picked currencies

– The API delivers EOD / End of Day historical exchange rates, which become available at 00:05am GMT for the previous day and are time stamped at one second before midnight.

– Our app keeps the last fetched cache data, can even work if there is no network in your area or you’re on travelling

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