Clarity Health app
Clarity Health App:
Clarity Health enables patients to keep track of the drug recalls and cross-reference any physician payouts with big pharma. Our goal is to promote transparency in the pharmaceutical industry and protect consumers.
Tech Stack for Clarity Health App :
– Android & iOS
Google Play Store:
iOS App Store
– Coming Soon
Mobile Apps | iOS & Android:
- Framework: Flutter v3.0 (Android + iOS)
- IDE: Visual Studio + Android Studio + Xcode
- Language: Dart v2.17, Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iOS)
- Git management: Gitlab
- Project Management: Trello
- Design & Prototyping: Figma
- Platform: Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Auth
- Platform: Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics
Technical Details:
– App fetches physicians and drug data from FDA Govt. open API
– App fetches payment data from OpenPayments API
– App checks if there is any drug recalls by the same FDA Drug recalls API