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FieldPros CRM

Custom CRM Development for the home services industry

The Company:

FieldPros.Ai, an innovative cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) for the service industry and contractors. The company serves various home renovation and restoration related companies such as roofers, plumbers, landscapers, home restoration etc.

The Challenges :

FieldPros is one of a kind CRM. The company’s founder spent several years using various CRM’s to manage their business but eventually realized a custom solution would enable their business to go entirely paperless. FieldPros is taking advantage of some of the leading 3rd party tools already available related to call tracking, analytics, email marketing.
FieldPros wanted to work closely with a software firm that can deliver such a big project and continue to support them in the long run to upgrade existing features and fix any issues that may arise.

The Solution :

Once an agreement was signed between FieldPros HeavyTask, we started working on the project’s exploratory phase. In this project, we worked closely with stakeholders, project managers, admins to learn their daily operations routines and how we can either automate or fully digitalize functions. Once we had a project SRS drafted, our talented designers started working on the design phase’s dashboard mock-ups. Once approved, we started on the v1 / MVP of the FieldPros CRM. For such a large-scale project, our software architect had to choose the right framework for future scalability and long term sustainability.

Platform: Amazon Web Services

– Simple Email Service (SES)
– Simple Storage Service (S3)
– Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
– Route53
– Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)


– Database: MySQL, MongoDB
– Django Web Framework


– ReactJS, NextJS

API Integrations:

Conclusion :

To date, is one of the most challenging and rewarding projects we have the pleasure of working on. We have pushed ourselves to learn more about some emerging technologies in the AI and data science field. We are very excited to have partnered with such a cutting edge company working in an area which will perhaps impact millions of companies globally!

Streamline your business operations—develop a custom CRM solution today and boost your customer relationships!